Frankie’s is a skate shop/street art supply store located in Nashville, TN. The small boutique style store will offer locals an exciting new spot to shop for their favorite street and skate culture brands.
Projecto Del Barrio (PBD) is an organization focusing on teenagers and young adults in the country of El Salvador. PDB will work with local adolescents involved in gangs and other criminal activities. This project will provide teens the chance to express themselves artistically.
Geleia is a delicious, 100% organic peanut butter, strawberry jam, and hazelnut spread. This product will provide the healthi- ness and delicious taste that everyone looks for in organic foods.
Redesign of Jeff Lindsay's Dexter Series
Vivamus accumsan, est in maximus gravida, ipsum nulla rhoncus nunc, sed faucibus enim sapien in dui. In non fermentum nisi. Quisque placerat nisl sem, viverra bibendum nisi aliquam in. Donec ultricies, lectus vitae mattis convallis, nisl tortor placerat nulla, sed maximus lacus ipsum aliquam eros. Nulla fermentum ultricies leo nec tempor.
Laguna Aguas Frescas is a new product based around Latin American street vendors drinks called Aguas Frescas (Spanish for fresh waters). Flavors include Hibiscus, Tamarind, and Horchata. Laguna offers a different kind of drink—100% organic and filled with culture.
Youth Future is an organization that works with teenagers who are at risk of gang involvement or are currently active in gangs. Youth Future will work with teenagers in urban communities. Offering various art activities and workshops in hope to pull the youth away from gang violence.
Sugar Bomb Skateboards is a street life, punk rock based skateboarding company located in Southern California. Sugar Bomb skateboards offers buyers a company they can relate to.
Nashville, TN Based Honey Farmers
Generation TN (GNRTN) is a new magazine focusing on skateboarding, art, and music. in both the Memphis and Nashville areas. This magazine will focus on local talent and events; if it has to do with skateboarding, urban art, or music around Tennessee then its probably in GNRTN.
Burn The Bridges is a post-hardcore band from Kentucky formed in 2011. The band is recording a two song ep for release in 2014. Their music is about overcoming different obstacles such as drugs, alcohol, suicide, or other hardships in life.